Our mission is simple: we want to improve the life of at least 1 million people.
How, you ask?
By taking you on our humble journey of growing healthy plants and raising animals we love, with love.
This is the vision and inspiration for Planted Well.
What We Believe
Why garden, raise animals, and do things DIY style when you can buy things ready-made?
Because planting, growing, and caring for your own plants makes you healthier, more patient, and wiser.
Because creating a garden that reflects your taste, personality, and creativity makes you calmer, syncs you to the rhythms of nature, and creates a happy place for your family and friends.
Because raising animals without cruelty and without making a general mess of things is better than taking bees, chickens, rabbits for granted and exploiting them.
And because all these things reduce plastic waste and greenhouse gas emissions and make you less dependent on industrial farming and supermarkets.

Today more than ever, it’s important to understand where your food is coming from and grow your own food. Whether you live in a small apartment in a glass-and-concrete city or a house with a big garden.
How We Do Things
Now let’s be honest.
Getting started with gardening is easy. It’s the carrying on that’s hard!
Many gardeners start with a lot of enthusiasm but then lose their drive. Understandably so, since gardening means rolling up your sleeves and doing some work.
We don’t want you to be one of those gardeners.
Here at Planted Well, a digital garden that we all share, we want to cultivate your drive for gardening and all things green and water and nurture it with every post we plant.

Because what’s the point of cultivating a garden if the things in it are not Planted Well?
To grow something from seed to flower to edible fruit or veggie, you need to know the right facts in the right order. No fluff, no condescension.
We bring together all these facts into a format that’s easy to follow on all devices and features lots of tips and answers all the key questions to save you time and energy.
Most of all, we want you to enjoy every part of the process and savor your journey as a gardener. We’re not in it just for the end result!
What We Stand For
We stand for organic & home-grown, for simplicity & minimalism.
So why the heck do we share product recommendations with you?
Here’s the thing: we need equipment, tools, and consumables to be good gardeners.
Bad products create waste and cost you time and money.
Good products stand the test of time and help you get things done.
As a gardener, you need the right tools to succeed and avoid harming the planet.
We only recommend great products that we believe can really make a difference.
Plant Your Time Well
Once all the seeds are planted and watered, we want us all to blossom together into better human beings.
We want to build a global community of engaged gardeners who say no to waste and bad practices. Each of who, in his or her own way, big or small, contributes to a better environment.

Like compost, we want to stay humble and amazingly useful.
Reach Out to Us
Now over to you, fellow gardener and green friend.
Do you have any suggestions for us? Do you want us to cover specific topics? How can we improve?
Send us an email with your thoughts at [email protected].
Remember: the seeds of change start with you!

Thank you for being a gardener,
the Planted Well Team